You’re serious about learning English. We know it’s not easy, but with great teachers and proven methods, we can help you to define and achieve your language learning goals.

Since 1997, we have served Albania with exceptional instructors and excellent quality training in international languages. Our courses are based on the best and most popular curriculum for international English from the Cambridge University Press.

Lincoln helped me improve and reinforce my English language skills. Owing to this I received very good results in a test at University. Moreover, now I feel more confident whenever I speak English especially when I am abroad.

A university student, 22 years' old

Në Linkoln kam gjetur nivel të lartë të shërbimit të stafit dhe sidomos në procesin e mësimdhënies.

Klea Mullaj, 19 vjeç

Ndjekja e kurseve këtu në Linkoln më kanë bërë të kem një rrjedhshmëri më të mirë në të folur.

Adela Avdija, 22 vjeç

The courses I completed at Lincoln allowed me to pass all the prerequisite exams to get admitted at a University in Canada. The instructors were dedicated not only to follow the course specific curriculum, but also to cater specific training to my needs. Lincoln helped me pass TOEFL iBT and GMAT

A TOEFL Student -26 years’ old

What makes Lincoln so special and successful is by no doubt the professionalism of the staff. Without that Lincoln would be like any other center - dull, stressful and unreliable. As a student of Lincoln Center, I will always be thankful for helping me be more confident with my English in addition to reaching my career goals faster.“

A 21 years old Student