Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Facilitators: Josh Miekley & Elona Prroj
Cost: 110 Euros
Date: February 16
Confirm registration with Antonela Maraj at amaraj[at]lincoln.org.al.
The most up-to-date research shows that managers who consistently use Emotional Intelligence competencies have more productive employees and more effective long-term relationships. Emotionally-intelligent managers inspire others. They manage conflict more effectively. And they create an environment where creativity flourishes.
During the pandemic, managers have faced unprecedented levels of anxiety, fear and sadness in employees and clients. Emotional Intelligence is needed now more than ever.
Learning Objectives:
This course is designed to equip participants with insights and tools to:
- be more self-aware of their emotions, particularly anger and anxiety
- control their emotions when working with others
- influence the emotions of others
- make better decisions
- discover creative and innovative solutions to problems
- increase recognized leadership capacity
Elona Prroj
Elona Prroj is a facilitator and trainer. She has a masters and PhD in Psychology. Mrs. Prroj is the fownderand director of the organization "JO Gjakmarrjes, PRO Jetes". She is a happy mother of two kids- a boy and a girl.
Josh Miekley
Executive Coach. Consultant. Trainer
Josh Miekley manages Lincoln Business Solutions at the Lincoln Centers of Albania. During his career in Albania, Mr. Miekley managed teams in customer care and product development successfully delivering projects. Mr. Miekley has delivered training in project management, performance management, productivity, sales, and communication to banks, telecommunications, and governmental clients.
He has spent over a decade in teaching and training teachers and professionals in the US, Albania and Kosovo. Mr. Miekley has a Master's in Education from the University of Cincinnati. He is fluent in Albanian.