What Types of Games are Best and Why

by | 05.04.2015

There are  three important  components of successful games:
1. Competitive elements to engaging content
2. Reward
3. Objective relevant content.

If the game is missing one of the first three elements, the pupils might not have the needed motivation to participate. If you leave out the last element, the game doesn’t serve the purpose of helping you promote the lesson at hand.

When it is Most Effective to Use Games

For advanced pupils, games are great when you or pupils need a break from intense studying. They are also helpful to introduce a new topic or to recall or review a recent lesson.

With intermediate pupils you can use games more often and with beginners you can use them most of the time.

Games are a great component to include in your classroom repertoire of activities because they allow pupils to explore different learning styles and learn the proposed topics at the same time.


Written by Juleda Prifti

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