The Power of “Why”
Why do you get out of bed each day?
What motivates people to work for you?
What makes your clients choose you rather than buying from your competitor?
It’s not what you do. It’s why. It’s why you do it that makes the difference. As Simon Sinek explains in his TED talk on this topic using his trademark Golden Circle below, the best companies and the best leaders begin with the Why.
Steve Jobs at Apple begins leads with Why Apple exists.
Then, how. And finally, what—an iPhone, iPad, Mac with all the differentiating specs. The first people to buy the iPhone stood in line for hours because they believed in why Apple does what they do.
This is the opposite of the conventional approach. For example, most people when meeting with a client, begin by explaining what. “This is what our product does.” Then, some sales reps will move to “how” to prove that their product is the best.
BUT few sales reps get to “Why.” Why? Because they don’t know their Why. What about you, do you know your Why?
The Lincoln Centers’ Why?
- Since 1997, we’ve helped Albanians achieve their dreams.
- For 17 years, our mix of local and international staff have provided top-quality professional and language training.
- Lincoln’s Why drives us to provide professionals like you with the training you need to accomplish your goals.
Two Tips to Access the Power of Why
What about you, do you know your Why? If you’re wondering, “How can I access the Power of Why?” Here are two tips:
- Discover your Why. Think through the stories that from your childhood up till now that show why you do what you do. Then practice articulating your why in brief 30-second sound bytes.
- Start with your Why. That is, when you begin a relationship, a talk, or a sales presentation, let people know why you do what you do.