Top 10 Proven Classroom Management Tips – A post written by IRMA HOXHA

by | 12.01.2014

Teaching is tough job, no doubt about it. And working with young children can be a little overwhelming at times. Below you will find some proven tips to help teachers manage their classroom more efficiently and effectively.

Tip #1:Establish classroom rules immediately and enforce them consistently.

By having students involvement we should make   a list of classroom rules on the first day of class, and always follow through on the specified rewards for achievement and consequences for misbehavior. If we allow a student to get away with misbehavior without consequence even once, we’ve opened the door to future misbehavior and negotiation of rules. This is particularly important at the beginning of the year, when we’re building our students’ trust in us as their teacher.

Tip #2:Set logical rules and consequences.

Keep the goal of learning in mind and make sure students know why the rules are and what they are. And fit the consequence to the crime: If a student makes a mess, the logical consequence is to clean  it up.

Tip #3: Make your students feel responsible for their own learning environment.

 Create rules together as a class, encourage those with leadership personalities to direct the in-class discussion, and walk around instead of standing up front for the entire lesson. Ask students to “check” themselves, as in “Check yourself to see if you are using the ‘ s ending appropriately.,” which sends the message that you see the students as individuals who are capable of handling themselves.

Tip #4; Praise efforts and achievements for their own sake, not for the sake of teacher approval.

Give constant feedback about good behaviors: “I notice that Anja has her book out and is ready to go. So I assume the others are ready too!” But keep the emphasis on the behavior, not on the teacher’s approval. Avoid saying, “I like how…” because it doesn’t matter what the teacher likes. Students shouldn’t do things to please the teacher; they should do things because they are the right things to do.

Tip #5:Be mindful of different learning paces and keep the students occupied.

Not all students learn at the same pace. Stick with those who don’t understand the topic and check in with them regularly to help them keep up to speed and don’t get frustrated and act out in response. Most of the time bored students cause problems. Make sure that you are challenging the students who move more quickly through the material by over-planning and preparing extra activities.

Tip #6: Avoid confrontations in front of students.

It is never a good idea to make an example of a student by shaming them in front of his or her peers. If you’re dealing with a misbehavior, speak to the student in the hallway or after class to resolve the issue instead of allowing an in-class confrontation.

Tip #7: Connect with the parents.

Make contact with parents early and often. Encourage attendance at parent-teacher meetings, and demonstrate that you want to work with the parents to instruct their children to the best of your ability. If you develop a good relationship with the parents, you’ll open a dialogue between parent, student, and teacher that allows for a freer flow of feedback — and it always helps to have the parents’ trust.

Tip #8:Get the attention of every student before beginning class.

This doesn’t require shouting “Be quiet, class is beginning” Instead, stand silent and wait until the students shush each other and settle. Or, if that’s not your style, redirect the beginning-of-class chatter by throwing out an engaging question, comment, or observation: “It’s been snowing for three days straight! Has anyone been playing in the snow?” Once you have everyone’s attention, proceed with the day’s lesson plan.

Tip #9: Use proximity and directness to your advantage.

If a student is misbehaving in class, continue your lesson but walk over and stand next to them. Having a teacher so close usually shuts down a student’s misbehavior. You can also use a direct question to snap them back into the lesson: “Kevin, do you think robots with be as intelligent as humans one day?” Be sure to start the call-out with their names so that they hear the full question.

Tip #10: Be organized.

Structure, both within a lesson and throughout the academic term, will help your students stay on top of their work. Write the day’s activities on the board and stick to them and be prepared for each activity.

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