What I use in my classroom
I think that all these task-based activities are useful and interesting to use in class because students and the teacher, too ,can benefit a lot from them. I have tried the jigsaw activity with one of my teen classes last year and it worked. I remember that I cut the text into different pieces, divided the students into groups and gave them all the pieces of the text and they put the pieces together according to the order of events. After that i gave them some tittles I had prepare for each paragraph of the story and ask them to match the titles with the correct paragraph. Student worked seriously and completed the task successfully. I was thinking to use the interview this week with my students of interchange 2 and I think it will work because most of my students really love to talk.
I want to thank Lincoln staff for the useful and interesting workshops they’re doing. They’re really helpful to us.
I’m glad the jigsaw worked well in your class last year! I hope you try another with text or pictures soon.